Party Wishes Bouquet


The Party Wishes Bouquet is a unique balloon creation for a special occasion. Includes a Qualatex “Bubble” plastic balloon, air-filled mini balloons at the bottom, and a curled tail.

Design may vary.


The Party Wishes Bouquet is a unique balloon creation for a special occasion. Includes a Qualatex “Bubble” plastic balloon, air-filled mini balloons at the bottom, and a curled tail.

Design may vary.

Additional information


Plain, Birthday (Generic), Birthday (Boy), Birthday (Girl)

Color (mini balloons)

Pick For Me, Red, Orange, Yellow, Lime Green, Forest Green, Hot Pink, Light Pink, Light Blue, Teal, Royal Blue, Lavender, Purple, Black, White, Gold, Silver

Color 2 (mini balloons)

Pick For Me, Red, Orange, Yellow, Lime Green, Forest Green, Hot Pink, Light Pink, Light Blue, Teal, Royal Blue, Lavender, Purple, Black, White, Gold, Silver

Color 3 (tail)

Pick For Me, Red, Orange, Yellow, Lime Green, Forest Green, Hot Pink, Light Pink, Light Blue, Teal, Royal Blue, Lavender, Purple, Black, White, Gold, Silver